Editor: Take your SmugMug integration to the next level
Base Features
- The caption can be generated from any or all of IPTC Headline, IPTC Caption and the image version name.
- The caption can be edited directly for each image being uploaded.
- The keywords to be set on SmugMug can be edited.
- Any keywords used are remembered and auto-completion is provided for keywords.
- The destination gallery can be selected from a list or a hierarchical menu based on the gallery category and subcategory details.
- New galleries can be created either using the SmugMug default values or from user defined gallery templates.
- 32/64 bit Intel binary
- SmuginProForAperture uses Growl (if installed) for status notifications.
Pro Features
- SmuginProForAperture can add custom fields to the Aperture metadata for exported images. The generated custom fields can then be used to Create smart albums of all images that have been uploaded to SmugMug, or to a specific album.
- Each image can be exported to a different gallery if required.
- You can choose whether to replace an existing image with a new version or add a second version of the same image to a new gallery.
- When replacing an image you can choose to replace just the image, replace the caption and keywords or both.